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use time wisely


    How to use your time wisely during the pandemic

    Knowing how to use your time wisely is vital during the quarantine and at all times. Here are some strategies and activities you can do to use your time well.  When you do, you honor God, who is the giver of time, a wealth freely received from God.

    Use your time wisely with these strategies

    Do a time inventory.

    When you record your expenses, you can see where your money goes and how much you’ve spent on things.  

    To do a time inventory, you record the time you spend for whatever you do for at least two days. Take note also of the time your brain is the least and the most productive. 

    This time inventory will help you pinpoint where you’ve wasted time. You will also know better how to budget your time when you do your daily plan. Then you can also schedule the most important at the time your brain is the most active.  

    So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil.  Ephesians 5: 15-16

    2. Create a daily, weekly, and monthly plan with task and time goals.

    Based on your time inventory, create a daily plan with tasks and allotted time to finish the tasks. Do not plan too few or many activities with not enough time allotments. It can sometimes lead to frustration. 

    Planning the next day is one of the habits of successful people. Many of them do it the night before. It helps them have a good sleep knowing that they have done the schedule for the next day. It also helps in managing time well the next day and avoiding wastage.  

    After that, you can also have weekly and monthly goals. 

    Write on cardboard or somewhere to readily see and remind yourself of the tasks to be done. For example, put it in front of you on the wall near your work table. 

    And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain upon tablets, so he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2:2

    3. Be intentional with all you do. 

    I’ve noticed when I get bored with what I’m doing, I stand up and do something else. Sometimes, I don’t realize how much of my time is used and hinders me from finishing the task I’ve set to do.

    Thus, when you are going to do something, ask yourself if you are doing it intentionally for a purpose. For example, it’s alright if you have to stand up to rest your eyes and hands or stretch your body a little. Just make sure you can finish or do most of what you’ve set to do on your daily plan.

    4. Prioritize your tasks.  

    Think about which ones are 1) urgent and necessary, 2) urgent, and 3) necessary. Then list down the urgent and necessary on top. Moreover, schedule things that need more thinking when your brain is most active.

    5. Think of a reward at the end.  

    Of course, let the reward be at the end of the day or the week when you have finished the tasks you’ve set to do. It matters that you appreciate yourself for the work you do. However, let not the reward be something extravagant or time-consuming. Still, be modest and conservative with the use of your time and money.  

    Notice that these strategies are applicable with or without the pandemic.  When you can plan well and make use of your quarantine or pandemic days, you will lessen the urge to go out, and therefore, you can help end the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Use your time wisely with these activities

    As we have experienced, governments have been imposing lockdowns and quarantines. Some lockdowns are nationwide or granular, while quarantines are for communities, families, or individuals.  

    During quarantine, many people cannot control the urge to go out and do things against the protocols.  

    Added to this, some people should remind themselves to use time wisely. We have to admit that many of us have developed the habit of endlessly checking social media sites to post updates or check our family and friend’s updates.  

    Thus, I’ve thought of these activities that people can do at home during the pandemic, especially when in quarantine. 

    For emotional and spiritual health

    1. Write a journal or diary.  

    Here’s a sample of what you can write about in your diary or journal if you want it to be so organized. Otherwise, you can write anything you think. You might become a famous person later, and you would like to write an autobiography or a book. This journal might be handy.

    Anne Frank wrote her diary during the war, and it became a book later and made her famous.

    use your time wisely 2

     2. Read a book or listen to an audiobook on a topic you love.

    There are many motivational books out there.  There are also many audiobooks and podcasts on health or personal development.  I suggest reading the Bible and a daily devotional.  Bible Gateway has different translations of the Bible with corresponding audio version. 

    3. Meditate and memorize Bible verses. 

    The word of God is powerful. Confess it out loud, especially when you are praying or facing difficulties. I invite you to join Victory’s daily Morning Worship and Prayer. It can help you develop your habit of Bible reading and praying.

    4. Keep in touch with family and friends. 

    Everybody does, but more than ever, now is the best time to communicate with your family and friends. You can warn them of the dangers of COVID-19 while also encouraging one another to be strong in this time of the pandemic. 

    5. Share the gospel with your loved ones if you are sure you have received the gift of salvation.

    If not, make sure you have and then share with your loved ones. Making sure you and your loved ones are saved will be your greatest gift to yourself and your family and friends. Being saved is incomparably by far greater than life insurance because this will be eternal life insurance. 

    For physical and mental health

    6. Take time to rest. 

    Maybe it’s high time to catch up on your sleep. Like many, you may have consumed much time traveling to work. As there is little time to do other things, you may have taken a chunk of time from your supposed sleep time. While in quarantine, you can take the opportunity to catch up not only on your sleep but also on your health. 

    7. Do workouts.

    Workouts will help you to be strong and improve your body’s immunity.  

    8. Do some gardening. 

    Have some plants to care for in your room or balcony. since gardening is a refreshing activity. The plants also help keep clean air in your room. Indoor gardening is good if you’re doing self-quarantine. If on community quarantine, then you can do gardening around your house. 

    9. Listen to music.

    Listen especially to music that calms your mind and soul or music that makes you dance or exercise. If you’re alone in quarantine, why not try singing worship songs to connect with Your Maker? However, don’t try singing with others if you suspect you have the virus. More droplets come out when singing.  

    10. Do a puzzle or other games.

    Doing puzzles, crossword, and vocabulary and math games keeps your mind active, sharp, and occupied.

    11. Watch documentary films.

    Many good films on Netflix, Pureflix, and YouTube entertain, motivate, and are still educational.  

    12. Memorize famous speeches.

    “I have a dream” is a very famous one. Memorizing will help sharpen your brain. You might turn out to be a great public speaker.

    Use your time wisely for economic benefit

    13. Improve your English or other language skills. 

    Many of my English students are taking the pandemic as a chance to improve their English skills. They are taking paid classes with a free first lesson in every course.

    However, English Pod 101 offers free membership for life with access to several lessons. There are also many other language courses offered. You will have fun learning a new language. 

    FluentU has 14 days free trial.

    14. Do DIY projects such as home décor. 

    There are many DIY videos on YouTube. All you have to do is get the materials and follow. You might want to record your DIY project and publish it on social media. Who knows if an idea may strike and lead you to a new business? 

    I won’t suggest projects that require carpentry or painting. Both activities may aggravate some allergies or breathing problems.   

    15.  Learn a new skill or get new business ideas. 

    Many blogs and YouTube videos show many skills you can learn.  If you have lost a job, it’s time to learn new skills to improve your resume and competitiveness. You might also be able to put up a new business.

    16. Watch free webinars.

    Generally, free webinars are usually introductions to online programs which range from affordable to expensive. However, the introductory webinars are already informative and helpful.

    17. Enroll in an online course.  

    There are many free and affordable courses out there.  As an example, I learned WordPress website development for free through DigitalJobsPh. I took the course in March 2021 and this blog is the fruit of that training.

    Here are a few:

    Coursebank (free and paid)



    Google Analytics Academy

    Google Play Academy

    Humanitarian Leadership Academy


    To conclude

    There are many things you and I can do to use time wisely. Time is a wealth freely received from God; therefore, we should also honor God with our time.


    Let me end with a prayer:

    Father God, help us all to use our time wisely not only during this pandemic but at all times. Let us not complain that time is short, because You are wise enough to know how much time we need and so gave 24 hours to us. Be glorified with our use of time. In Jesus’ name, amen.
