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heaven and hell

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    Where is the destiny of your soul?

    Where is the destiny of your soul? Some people think that when we die, our bodies decay and go back to the ground. Others believe our souls are reincarnated and go back to another form of life. However, the Bible says there is only one destiny for our souls—either heaven or hell.  The choice is ours to make while we are still alive.

    Where do all the dead go?

    When publishing this blog post, more than 4,304,796 people have died of only one cause—COVID 19 (Retrieved on August 8, 2021). With so many people dying, we are all reminded that death is a reality. Perhaps, many more people, especially children, have wondered where the dead people go.

    Two stairs in the night

    It reminds me of a dream in the night which I had in May 1999 while I was in Bangkok. 

    In the dream, it was evening, and I was watching fireworks from the window on the second floor of a building. With the fireworks lighting up the dark sky, I saw two stairs–one on the right and one on the left. Then I saw people going up the two stairs.

    destiny of your soul
    destiny of your soul

    I focused first on the stairs on the right. There I saw that the steps were getting lighted as pairs of people went up the steps. I also noticed that the steps went up continually to the sky until the end of the stairs was no longer visible. Thus, I concluded it was going to heaven.

    Then I looked at the stairs on the left. The steps were also getting lighted as pairs of people went up the steps. At some point, however, I saw that there was a kind of a landing. Then suddenly, the people were descending. I couldn’t see where they were going but a very bright orange light was below the stairs. Somehow I saw that their faces were oblivious of where they were going. Suddenly, it came to my mind that the set of stairs was going down to hell.

    Warning to know one’s destiny

    I hurriedly went out to warn people. 

    Outside, it was almost daybreak. On the left were several stairs going up to sky trains and going down to ships. Barkers were shouting and telling people to board immediately because the trains and boats would be leaving soon. I tried to observe for a while and saw that the trains and ships were going filled but coming back empty.

    I saw one lady going to board one boat. When I asked her where the trains and boats were going, she said she didn’t know but that she was boarding because everyone was boarding. I told her about the stairs I saw in the night and that those stairs were leading to the same destination–hell, with no point of return.

    She asked me what to do, so I led her to pray the sinner’s prayer for salvation. After she did, I saw a closed gate on the right, so I told her to wait there until it would open.

    I woke up after that.

    Only two choices for the destiny of your soul

    That dream in the night reminded me of the wide and the narrow gates in the Bible. The first is the narrow gate of righteousness in Jesus leading to eternal life, but few people go through. The second is the wide gate of worldly pleasures leading to damnation which many people go through this gate.

    “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7: 13-14 NIV

    During that time, I was in Bangkok teaching English in a primary school. I just knew that God was reminding me of my call as a Christian–to share the gospel with everyone.

    Yes, we all die. At one point, we will leave this earth. With the pandemic, many people have realized that in this life, we should focus on things that matter—loving our families, building relationships, doing good to others, and so on. 

    However, have you ever wondered where you are going when you die? Have you ever considered the thing that matters most?

    Three most important decisions

    I’ve read before that there are three most important decisions we have to make in life:

    1. What career path to take
    2. If we should marry and whom we should marry
    3. Who to follow and live for

    Choose now the destiny of your soul.

    The last one determines which gate we will enter and where we will go when we die. Let us remember that we only live once, and life is short and fleeting while life after death is eternal—either in heaven or in hell. 

    Which path are you taking? Where are you going when you die? Which destiny do you choose?

    Chart courtesy of World Video Bible School
