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greatest gift

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    Have you received the greatest gift ever?

    The greatest gift ever is there for us at any time of the year. People often pray and wait for it, not realizing it’s already there hanging on the tree.

    The greatest gift people wish for

    Far too often, we ask for so many things. We ask for many items we dream of having, some of which are necessary and some are not. We ask for money, jobs, house, cars, farm lots, gadgets, furniture pieces, holiday trips, and many other things. Many ask for the presence of loved ones. Those who are sick ask for healing. Victims of calamities who have lost houses and properties ask for a new one. Those who have lost jobs and businesses during the pandemic ask for a new and better one.

    There’s nothing wrong with asking for things that will make us happy and convenient, even only survive. However, it is best to receive first from the Giver the best He’s offering before we ask for others that are far less important than what He has already given.

    I remember one advertisement by a politician on the radio wishing everyone to ask for a gift from God this Christmas. Hearing that, I wondered what God would be thinking in response. Would God ask these questions:

    Do you not understand that the best gift I can ever give to you is already there?
    If you do not know what it is, have you tried to learn it?
    Then if you know, have you received that most important gift?
    If not, how can you ask for many other things when you have not accepted the most important gift I am offering to you?
    Do you not realize that receiving my greatest gift will be your greatest gift for me?

    The greatest gift we can ever receive and give

    So what is the greatest gift we can ever receive?

    It’s the very reason we have Christmas. Yet, many Christians and non-Christians alike celebrate Christmas without fully understanding the real reason we have Christmas.

    If Christ Himself, including the sacrifice He made for our salvation, is the greatest gift, then He, including the salvation He gives, is the best gift we can ever give to others.

    Likewise, receiving Him and the salvation He offers is the best gift we can give back to the Giver. When we do, His coming to earth as a man to die on the cross for us does not come to naught.

    If that is the greatest gift we can ever receive, then that is also the best gift we can ever give.

    Have you received and given the greatest gift?

    Yes, the best gift we can ever receive–Christ with HIs offer of salvation–is there.

    Imagine a Christmas tree with a small but precious box with your name on it hanging on one of its branches or twigs. Would you get it or leave it hanging there?

    Imagine, too, the excitement of the Giver when He sees that you saw it. He’d be much happier when you take it and thank Him for it.

    Now, imagine His sadness when you just passed by or took a look and then left it there because you thought it was not necessary, or you thought you could have one by your effort anyway.

    Now, let’s move forward. You took your gift and were so glad to have it. You see other names there that were left unclaimed. Would you be happy you got yours and shrug your shoulders off when others didn’t get theirs? Would you let the other gifts stay there knowing that other people need their presents desperately?

    That Christmas tree is the cross.

    the greatest gift 2
    Background Image by cgrape from Pixabay

    How do you know if you have truly received the gift?

    If your answer is one of these, that means you haven’t.

    • I know I am saved because I haven’t committed any mortal sin.
    for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  Romans 3:23 NIV
    For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
    • I am saved because I am good, and I always love and follow God’s commandments.
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV
    • God only knows where I’m going. He decides where I go. Perhaps, I’m going to purgatory. 
    If that is so, then we will not get away without being punished. We will be punished if we forget or throw away this wonderful way to be saved. It was the Lord who first told people how to be saved. Then those who heard him told us the true way.  Hebrews 2:3

    Please don’t be like many I have asked who do not know where they are going after death. Remember, life on earth is temporary, while life on the other side is for eternity. Make sure that your life on the other side is where God intended you to go. 

    Get your gift now, and you will see that no other gift can compare with it.
