Why do you need to study a nanodegree?

study a nanodegree

If I study a nanodegree, can I get a high-paying IT job? Yes you can because nanodegrees are for IT jobs that are in-demand in tech and global companies.

What is a nanodegree?

MacMillan Dictionary defined it as “a course of study which is much shorter than a university course and focuses on the skills you need for a job, especially computer-related skills.

Nanodegrees are certified online courses which aim to prepare students for the IT industry; such degrees help develop specialized skills for specific jobs.

Who is a nanodegree for?

  • People who want to advance or change their career
  • People who want to want to learn advanced skills and improve their capabilities
  • Those who do not have the opportunity (finances and time) for three or more years of education
  • Those who want to test if a specific job is good for them
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Why should you study a nanodegree?

Study a nanodegree to advance your career

The constantly developing technology creates many new jobs for different tasks. These jobs are increasing every year and becoming in-demand with few qualified applicants. With nanodegrees taught by experts, you will surely learn the latest technological developments in the specific area of study.

A relevant nanodegree will take you to a higher field of expertise and let you earn better than you used to.

Study a nanodegree to have the skills necessary for a change in career

Your career may not be as lucrative or fulfilling as before, so you might need or want to change your career.
However, many IT jobs which are in demand require specialized skills.

Fortunately for you, a nanodegree will give you the skills necessary for the new occupation you want to have.
Adding your nanodegree certificates on your CV and posting them on job sites or Linked In will help you land the new job you want.

Study a nanodegree to save time and money for learning

Completing nanodegrees does not take more than twelve months because the degrees do not have subjects that are not relevant. Consequently, taking a nanodegree saves time and money.

Moreover, many nanodegrees are “stackable” and give students the flexibility to take one course at a time, with two hours of study a day while continuing to work.

Since nanodegrees are online, you get the benefit of taking one from reputable schools around the world at the comfort of your home.

Study a nanodegree to test if a career is right for you

You may be a high school graduate unsure of what to study in college. You may have realized you’ve made the wrong choice of study, or the degree you had chosen has few job opportunities.

To be sure if a choice is right for you, take a nanodegree. Since nanodegrees are industry-specific, you can know and experience right away if the roles and tasks are attainable and fulfilling. You can even try to take entry-level jobs or internships that will help you more in deciding whether you should pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree and what degree to take.

Which nanodegree and where should you study?

They depend on your goal, passion, ability, and budget. They also rest on the time you want to spend, the specific skills you want to learn, and the roles you want to have.

As a piece of advice, take the one that will possibly land you on at least the entry-level job for your dream job or into your dream company.

Among many, here are two providers of nanodegrees.

The first one is Udacity.  It was the first to announce a nanodegree program in partnership with AT&T. Now, it has the following top nanodegree programs: UX Design, Machine Learning Engineering, Front-end Web Development, Data Analytics, Deep Learning, Self-driving Car Engineering, and AI Product Management.

It doesn’t offer the cheapest but it’s known for giving a high quality of training and education. It partners with Google, IBM, and some more tech companies. Still, the courses are worth investing in as they help you get in-demand 100K + jobs. Find out about the details of the degrees they offer. 

The next is Coursera which has almost every course possible for the current job market. It ties up with 150+ universities that offer courses, specializations, professional certificates, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees. It also partners with Google and IBM, and several tech companies. Visit Coursera to find out if there’s a course for you.

Additional help

Because many nanodegrees are available in online schools, you might get confused with which to take and where to take it. To help you, I will post some selected programs and list down the course curriculum for each from some schools. It will help you evaluate if the course has the topics and skills you want to learn.

By the way, if you want to improve your English skills to get a better understanding of your lessons or get admitted to a university, I’m here to help.

That’s it. Happy new career for the year ahead!


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