Is life by chance or purpose of God?

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Is life by chance or purpose? I will answer that by telling my story to prove life is not by chance. My account happened both in Malaysia and Myanmar.  

Quite a long time ago, I had to do a visa run in Penang, Malaysia, to extend my stay in Thailand. 

After applying for the visa, I decided to visit some tourist areas. 

I saw on a map the Reclining Buddha Temple. Since I had not visited the original in Thailand, I decided to take the opportunity to visit the copy in Penang.

I took a bus with the map in my hand. On the map, the temple was on Jalan Lorong. The bus was quite full, and so I was standing. This position made it hard for me to see street signs. Thus, I prayed, “God, please just let me know when I should go down.”

It didn’t occur in my mind to talk to the driver because of the language barrier. I just placed my trust in God that He would let me know.

By chance or purpose: Finding Jalan Lorong

True enough, I heard a voice say, “go down here” in my mind. I went down. Then, I heard the voice say, “Cross the road and buy something.” I crossed the street and saw a shop where I bought a card. Then, I heard the voice again say, “Cross back and eat.” Thus, I walked a few steps more to a small restaurant and ate there. After eating, I went out and realized it was at a corner of the main road and a small street. There I saw a marking on a cemented mound the name “Jalan Lorong.”  

I was amazed. There was no usual street sign. The cemented mound was a little far from the corner and would not have been visible to me on the bus. It could have been visible to me when I crossed the street, but I still didn’t notice. It became visible only as I went out of the eatery which was at the corner.  

Happily, I proceeded to look for the Reclining Buddha Temple. However, I saw that there was another temple opposite the Thai temple.  Thus, I decided to visit it after visiting the Thai temple.  

Note: Jalan Lorong was what I remembered as the name of the street. I checked Google maps now, and it is Lorong Burma. Perhaps they changed the name. The cement mound or marker is also gone. 

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:20-21 NIV
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Photo through Google Maps

By chance or purpose: Meeting a monk

The second temple was the Standing Buddha Temple of Myanmar.

At the second temple, I saw many huge standing Buddha images made of marble. I also saw the story of Gautama Buddha written on the wall. 

I was taking some notes on his story when a monk called me. He asked if I was from Myanmar and interested in Buddhism. That time, I was carrying a Karen bag. I told him I wanted to know the story of Buddha. I also told him that I am a Filipino Christian but planning to visit Myanmar a second time.

Then, the monk told me that he knew the ABC of salvation but didn’t believe in God. He said that Buddhists believe that everything happens only by chance and that I was there by chance.

Respectfully, I told him that I believed otherwise and that I was there by God’s purpose. I told him how lost I could have been without His directions. I also told him God must have wanted me to see the Standing Buddha Temple and meet him. He said he didn’t believe that God speaks.

Even so, he asked me to have a picture with him and another monk. Since ladies should not sit or stand beside a monk, he told me to sit down on the floor for the picture.

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at the Standing Buddha Temple in Lorong Burma, Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

By chance or purpose: Meeting the monk a second time

Seven months later, I was at the immigration office in Yangon, Myanmar. I was overstaying and so I had to report to the same office every week (and later pay the accumulated overstay fee before departure). 

After talking to the immigration officer, I asked the Lord what to do next.  I heard Him tell me to stay for 10 minutes, so I stayed near the immigration officer by the corridor.   

After 5 minutes, I saw the monk from Malaysia pass me by and talk to the same immigration officer for 5 minutes. As he stood up, I approached him and asked, “Hi. Do you remember me?” He answered, “Of course,” smiling and looking at me from head to toe. Then I realized I was wearing the same clothes and headband I wore in Penang, Malaysia and was carrying the same Karen bag.

I seized the opportunity and told him that I could have left 10 minutes before that time if I had not heard from the Lord. I also mentioned that as he came, I knew the Lord wanted me to show him that God indeed speaks and that our meetings were not by chance.  

He smiled and invited me to their monastery in Moulmein. I asked him what I could do there. He told me I could meditate. I laughed and told him I would meditate but in a Christian way. 

However, I had to turn down the invitation because I had previously accepted an invitation by a local missionary to visit a village.

That second meeting proved that it was not by chance that we met seven months before as God intended for us to meet seven months after.  

Not by chance: the Apostle Paul’s story

Here’s the story of Saul, who became the Apostle Paul. He was on his way to capture Christians when he saw a great light from heaven and fell to the ground.  

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Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Then he heard a voice say, “Saul, Saul, why are you working so hard against Me?” Saul answered, “Who are You, Lord?” He said, “I am Jesus, the One Whom you are working against. You hurt yourself by trying to hurt Me.” Saul was shaken and surprised. Then he said, “What do You want me to do, Lord?” The Lord said to him, “Get up! Go into the city and you will be told what to do.” Acts 9:3-6

When Saul got up, he could not see anything, so his companions led him to Damascus.  

Meanwhile, in Damascus, the Lord gave Ananias a dream.

He said, “Ananias!” And Ananias answered, “Yes, Lord, I am here.” The Lord said, “Get up! Go over to Straight Street to Judas’ house and ask for a man from the city of Tarsus. His name is Saul. You will find him praying there. Saul has seen a man called Ananias in a dream. He is to come and put his hands on Saul so he might see again.” Acts 9: 10-12

Ananias was afraid because he knew Saul’s purpose for coming to Damascus. 

The Lord said to him, “Go! This man is the one I have chosen to carry My name among the people who are not Jews and to their kings and Jews. I will show him how much he will have to suffer because of Me.” Acts 9:15-16

So Ananias went, put his hands on Saul, and told him God’s message. Saul was able to see. As we know, Saul, the persecutor, became Paul, the apostle. 


I won’t put yet a conclusion. I let you decide if what I had written were by chance or purpose. I leave it to you to decide if life is by chance or God’s purpose.


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