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    How to be UX designer and highly paid in 2022

    Be a highly paid UX designer in 2022. If you are a graphic artist, it would be best to add a certificate in UX Design to raise your income by 50 – 65%.

    In my list of high-paying IT jobs, the median salary for a graphic designer is P244,000 (P20,333/month). On the other hand, the median salary of a UX designer is P398,000 (P33,167/month). If you get a UX design job in the US, then it would be a lot higher with $75,000 ($6,250/month).

    UX designer - Payscale PH
    UX designer - Payscale US

    What does a UX designer do?

    A UX (user experience) designer makes the product easy, enjoyable, and accessible to use.

    To do this, the UX designer works with other designers, product managers, developers, analysts, and clients. The goals are to identify problems, find solutions, and improve user experience. The UX designer presents a concept, creates wireframes, develops prototypes, and tests the design to meet user preferences. They may do testing and modifications with the team several times until the product achieves its best form.

    UX designers may work full-time or part-time, either in an office or freelance.

    Knowledge and experience in HTML, CSS, Adobe Suite or Figma, and graphic design are necessary. A portfolio may be required to get hired for this position. Hence, getting a diploma in UX design will be helpful in preparing your portfolio as you do the course.

    Where to study UX Design

    In Why do you need to study a nanodegree, I mentioned posting some selected programs. Thus, here are budget-friendly UX Design courses I have gathered.

    UX Design Coursera 1
    UX Design Coursera 3

    The Professional Diploma in UX Design offered by Enderun Extension in Taguig City is at P130,000 while the Professional Diploma in UX Design by UX Design Institute is at €2,950.

    Comparatively, the UX Design Professional Certificate by Google through Coursera is very affordable at $399 for one year of study. Since you can finish the course in six months, you still have six months to get another program.

    As posted on Coursera, “by the end of the certificate program, you will have a professional UX portfolio that includes three end-to-end projects, so that you’re ready to apply for jobs. Upon completion, you can directly apply for jobs with Google and over 130 U.S. employers, including Walmart, Best Buy, and Astreya.”


    Udacity’s UX Design is still affordable at $1017 (P51,867).

    UX designer - Udacity

    In my next blog post, I will write about additional skills that can help increase the salary of a UX designer.
